I know, I know...I'm interrupting your basketball games to bring you another fishing report. Well, that is half true, but I have more to say. This weekend was tough! I'm sure like many of you I found myself consumed with the constant horrific images of devastation from Japan. I also found it tough to answer the many questions my kids had about this historic event. So instead of sitting around getting worked up over it I decided to get out of the house, enjoy some early spring-like weather and help my folks with some yard work. Somehow after spreading four yards of mulch and a moving a ton of rock, I felt better. It gave me a chance to spend time helping people who have certainly helped me over the years. Not only that but it helped me to reflect on all the great things and people I have in my life. If you are reading this, consider yourself one of those people.
Having a new found perspective, I was eager to get out on the water Sunday. Up early and out hoping to enjoy a nice day fishing...Well the recent rains in the Richmond area had the water levels up and stained. Instantly, I knew the fishing was going to be tough. Tough it proved to be, in fact it is one of the few times I've ever been on a tidal river that never changed directional flow. That's right, so much rain that the water flow down river was so strong that the tide couldn't overcome it.
All was not lost. Even though I only caught one largemouth bass, the wildlife was awesome. There were sure signs that spring is almost here. The Eagles are tame, the ospreys have arrived, the beavers are making new dens and the Forsythia is in full bloom. Soon the Shad will be here, herring will follow as will the long waited Rockfish run will commence. Please enjoy these photos. Get out there people and see some of the beauties this world has to offer instead of being pulled into the black hole of depression overly depicted in media.
I still have some spots available for spring fishing trips as well as photo tour for your camera buffs.
Until next time.
Capt. Ralph